
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Scabbard

(Just in case the date doesn't show up correctly,) April 6th, 2021

Whew. It's been a while.

And by that, I don't just mean, "It's been a while since I wrote on this blog." Rather, I mean, "It's been a while since I wrote. At all. This feels weird."

I suppose it's fitting that while I'm in this state of mind, and this state of life, I show up here again, one last time, to tell you that I've made up my mind: I'm not going to keep doing this. This is officially where I stop this blog. I return one last time to wield "The Sword of Peace," only for the purpose of giving one last look to any who care, before sheathing it and putting it away.

Now, much as I could (and did) complain about it, not all of my posts on here were seen by exactly zero people. Some of them caught the eyes of one or two people in some part of the world far distant from me. A few of my writings here even caught the attention of thousands, which was a little bit encouraging. (Thank you for that, by the way.) As such, I think I owe it to a few of you out there to give a proper explanation about why I'm leaving, and maybe give a sense of closure here. I think that's important. Personally, I hate it so much when people don't give closure to matters, and instead they deliberately disappear without a word, leaving issues suspended and unresolved. I don't know if anyone else hates that as much as I do. Maybe I'm just projecting.

Regardless, I'm not going to do the same. I won't disappear without another word, leaving you with the ambiguous message of silence and the confusion that goes with it.

Before I sheathe this metaphorical sword and put it into its metaphorical coffer, I will permit you, metaphorical or literal adventurers, to look on it one last time. Let's sit by the metaphorical campfire and have this one final talk.