
Saturday, May 19, 2012

To Tasha, in Memoriam

She's gone.

She left on May 17th, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Mountain Standard Time. Now, if anybody asks me why I look like I've just lost my best friend, that's because I just did.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Farewell to a Friend

There's one scene from the movie I Am Legend that I still know by name.

In most DVDs, you can go to the scene selection and find that the scenes of the movie are either numbered or titled. In this movie, they opted for titles instead of numbers. That was one of the reasons that this scene has stuck in my mind for so long, after seeing the movie so long ago. The second reason is that it is widely considered to be the saddest scene in the whole movie. The third is that it reflected a loss, one of the only losses that I knew for sure was going to enter into my life, right from the time that I met her.

"Farewell to a Friend" was the title of the scene where the main character, Robert Neville, has only a tiny, fleeting chance to save his best and only remaining friend - his dog. His dog, Sam, had been bitten by some infected zombie-like dogs, and there were only two things that would happen if he couldn't cure her: she would die, or she would become an infected zombie-dog herself and he would have to kill her anyways. In his heart, I think that he knew that the chances of saving his beloved companion were next to none, so in Sam's final moments he held her close. Then, you don't see it, but he had to strangle her to keep her from attacking him. I think he also did it to ease her final moments of life.

When she does breathe out her final breath, when life leaves her body... you can see the pain on the face of her friend. The truth of what happened was that he did all that he could to keep her safe and well, but in the end she had to die, and he had to be the one to bring death to her. The truth, then, was that it wasn't his fault. He probably didn't see it that way, though. He probably blamed himself about that for a while, if not the completely random injustice of the world. And I'm sure that either way it hurt the whole time.

...I kind of feel the same way.

My best friend who is on the earth right now is a yellow Labrador retriever. Her full given name is Tasha Holly Harriet [surname]. As I am writing this right now on May 15th, 2012, she is experiencing her final day of life. In order to ease her pain, she needs to leave this life, and we need to be the ones to do it.