
Saturday, June 27, 2015

A Beginner's Guide to Tomodachi Life Babies (and Why I Kind of Hate Them)

Author's Note: You get to learn something about me today. Yay! I'm sure you've all been waiting for this!

(That's heavy irony, bordering on sarcasm, in case you were wondering.)

What you get to learn is that this summer (if you're reading this from the Southern Hemisphere, keep in mind that it's summer for us on this side of the world right now), I'll be doing something I've done in other recent summers: I'm working at a summer camp for kids. That means that I will be living out there at camp for most of the summer, and really just visiting home on occasion, rather than anything you could really call "living at home." Now, since my days off from working at camp are mostly spent trying to run errands, trying to get everything in order, trying to be prepared to work during the coming week, that means that I likely won't be posting much of anything between now and September. Or if I do, it will only be small. (And again, since I'm still a student, I can't promise that I'll post many things between September and April. I will do my best, but keep that in mind as well.)

I may have to send out this post as a kind of parting shot, so that has something to do with why it's so long. And by "long," I mean that this is half the length of a NaNoWriMo draft - it's about 26000 words, which works out to almost 50 pages, not including the pictures. Wow. Scary.

I wouldn't expect you to read this all in one sitting, unless you really have nothing to do for a while. But I hope you somehow enjoy it, and don't worry; if you're really so interested in reading any of the other things I say, I'll be back, and I'll write normal stuff soon. Take care of yourself until then, eh.


P.S. There are still some typos and things in here that I want to edit. I'll get back to that when I have time.

How I Came to Fall In

Do you like "life simulation" video games?

If you found your way to this post by doing a Google search, I'm assuming you do. At least a little bit. Well, congratulations; that makes one of us! As a prize, you earn the chance to read this gargantuan blog post!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Re-forging the "Sword"


Umm, yeah. I'm back!

Actually, the truth is, I never went anywhere.

So, I realize that the "vast majority" (all two of you) who are reading this have never heard of me before, and thus you don't really care that it has been just over two years since the last time I posted something on this blog. Or, maybe there are a few of you (all one of you) who came across that one post I wrote about Majora's Mask, and have been waiting for me to fulfill my promise to write follow-up posts about the Moon Children. Or maybe you're one of those people who are the reason that I used to consistently see this blog receive page views from Russia, Germany, Brazil, etc. If so, hi, again.

Whatever the case is with you, my apologies for seemingly abandoning this blog. I'll have you know that I never forgot about it, never deliberately thought, "Blogging is a waste of time; I'm done with it." The truth is, I thought about this blog often. I considered posting things, even went to work on the drafts of those Majora's Mask posts I promised. Earlier this year, for instance, I thought, "Hey, the Majora's Mask remake is coming out. These posts will be topically relevant again!"

And then I didn't do anything about it.

It wasn't apathy, if you're wondering. It wasn't even a matter of simple writer's block, or a lack of confidence that got me thinking that nobody would like what I had to say. No, it was more of...