
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Facebook Note: A Song of Quiet

Written in 2007 or 2008; published to Facebook on June 25th, 2008

I'm on a roll, eh! Third note in two days... maybe I'm just doing this to distract myself from waiting for my mission call, which is already two days late. Yeah.

Well, anyway, that poem I quoted in my talk, here is the complete version of it. Maybe it can inspire you today. Or some other such funkiness. Here you go.

Perhaps, correct would be the time
To smite again the dark with rhyme
I'll call again that poet dear;
Within my mind - he yet dwells here.
...Speak, my friend, that we may be blessed.
"I hear that; it shall be done.
One more try - this should be fun.
Too rarely now, are their hearts caressed.

"The tales oft tell of nameless hero
'Twixt infinity and zero
Oft speak the bard of sword and light;
Dark hearts, edge points, and faithful knights,
Pains of sorrow, victorious joys...
Here I play a differed tune,
Giving sun-sky back to moon
Let me give way, not to decoys.

"Composed song, 'tis long past due
But who shall hear it - me? You?
Ere so, I'll sing. To open chasm.
To depth of sky, to space unfathomed!
I shout to the lonely Echo.
A silent song has few that heed...
Carest not; there be no need.
A humble spirit, ye shall know.

"My song IS quiet, for true reason:
Hear ye the bird, outside their season?
A prophet hushes, 'til moment comes
His voice could outplay army's drums!
But hardly hear we thunder...
A voice, though small
When's heard the call
Can rend e'en joints asunder!

"Father's music is not by storm
More common sounds the gentler form;
A lightning strike is sforzando -
Yet hearken to the rain's staccato.
By gentle drops, see what's therein...
'Let life go on and ever on;
Drops of sea shall grace the pond'
By tiny beats come this rhythm.

"And now I say to ye still here:
List to what you do not hear
Feel, as you did, the cry
A call from them seen not by eye
Once, long ago, 'twere less subtle,
You would not defer
What heart felt was sure
And you conjured no rebuttal.

"This rally song, this harmonic
I'd spread it to the dead and quick
But to hear it, you must seek;
I wrote this silence for the meek.
By want or not, would you please pray?
I would sing to empty nature...
Please, call on your creator.
...With coda, there's naught more to say."

There. Now, if you would like me to make that unknown poet a little bit LESS unknown, here I go now.


So there!

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