
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Still Alive

I'm fairly certain that next to nobody cares about this, but...

...well, since "next to nobody" means by default "somebody," I think I should speak to that "somebody."


Once again, I've made it look like I've abandoned my blog. I really haven't, though. The truth is, I have written stuff, posted it, and then almost immediately removed it.

Do you care about why?

As I've said before — not on this blog, as far as I can remember — one of the major problems with the Information Age is that virtually everyone thinks they know how to write, and an appallingly large swath of Internet users believe they qualify to be called "writers."

*Sigh.* Simply knowing your language's alphabet, and being almost fluent in your first language does not make you a writer. The mere fact that you can type in characters and communicate a partially complete thought does not mean you are good at writing.

But good luck convincing anyone else of that, TAB III. The Internet is over-saturated with words that people have thought important, a surprising amount of which will fade into obscurity, some of it never to be seen in the first place. Yet that fact will not stop the flood; everyone continues clamouring to be heard, to express themselves, to... make noise, sometimes, and do nothing more than that.

So long as there are masses of people who believe that they are geniuses simply because they can string together words in a mostly coherent manner, and they go on writing and expecting the world to look at them, what's the point of me joining in? I don't expect I will ever achieve anything remotely resembling "popularity," or a "readership," or "accolades" for writing anything here. Or maybe for writing anything in general.


The point is, I am still here. I still don't believe anyone cares about that fact. I may still be writing things on this blog, for all you know, which will be invisible to the world, since I write posts, publish them, then click that orange "Revert to draft" button.

Does this matter? Does anyone need to know this? Probably not.

But hey, at least I can say that I shared something today. That's better than I've done in a while.

(...Nobody cares, TAB III.)

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