
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Facebook Note: A Note Wherein the Content Is Almost Shorter than the Title Is, Because I Feel that You Are More Likely to Read it Like This

Written and published to Facebook on October 4th, 2012

I just want to heal the world.
You know, the people, Mother Earth, all of it.
Is that too much to ask?

Facebook Note: Days Like These

Written and published to Facebook on September 4th, 2012

Author's Note: I was heavily considering not copying this over to my blog. As I said before I started doing this, I don't really want to make this particular blog be about me as a person; whatever story I want to tell through this ongoing amalgamation of words isn't the story of my life. I want to tell a story more of what I learn, and while I do include some personal experience, that's not the focus here. Unlike my fictional stories that I like to make focus on the characters themselves (sometimes even more than the plot), this is a story where I want you to concentrate on the themes and truths that you glean from the words.

This Note tells of a personal story. I wasn't sure about bringing this into my blog. But after thinking about it, I see that I was in the process of learning some things, and those things are worth sharing. Two of them that I will give away to you right now: It's not enough to live your dream, because you might find out that the dream isn't what you intended it to be (I came up with that idea before I ever watched the movie Tangled); and that pity is not the best technique for helping someone to heal emotionally.

Anything more than that is what you will see for yourself.

Sometimes, I have to write a Note like this one. I don't know whether I'll keep it, but I have to say it right now.

You see, sometimes you have to dispense with the word games, with the elaborate magniloquence, and the poetic structure that you try to create when you write. Sometimes you need to stop worrying about cadence and grammatical perfection and malapropisms. Sometimes you need to stop hiding behind poems or "fictional narratives," which means anything from a fable with a moral in it to a story that has a theme or metaphor to a possible story about the real future.

On days like these, sometimes you just have to open up and be honest.

Facebook Note: Choosing True Colours

Written and published to Facebook on July 30th, 2012

Author's Note: At first it might look like there are religious overtones in this poem, as there are in a lot of my poetry and other things that I write. However, I didn't want that to be the only possible interpretation. You could just as easily apply this to Romeo and Juliet, now that I consider it.

An author by the name of John Green once answered the question of debates between religious and non-religious people by saying that the debates which take place about the source of revelation is not very interesting, but that what we choose to do in response to these revelations is indeed a question that should interest us all.

While I still believe that the question of source of revelation is also a question that we ought to consider, even so I agree: what we choose to do in response to the revelations is just as important. So, remember that when you read this.

When the battle-lines are drawn
When we gouge our scars in sand
And the neutral ground's withdrawn
On whose side shall you stand?
Does your blood beat by your heart,
Or in rebellion bleed?

When we rule in extreme
And we hop the sharpened fence
When it needs be "us or them"
Will you hiss and shout offense?
Does your mind your course impart,
Or is it heart you heed?

When we our true colours shine
When we're proudly painted true
When we bear out true design
Will you be red, but claim blue?
So in your fight of mind and heart,
You know not which should lead?

When you're called to smite your ilk
For the standard that you fly
When you must choose blood or milk -
Must friends or kin now die?
I'd grant you fairer journey's chart,
If I thought that you would read

When we draw the battle lines
And shield our hallowed ground
I know my side, but as for thine,
In which array will you be found?

To heed true spirit is an art.
And revelation is what you need.


Picture by Mizth

Facebook Note: Ye Olden Poetria

Written and published to Facebook on July 17th, 2012

Author's Note: Some of the references made here will not make sense, as you people (or person; can I kid myself into saying that I'll receive hits from more than one person on this?) are not the originally intended audience. For one, I mention "the 20 of you who raised your hands" in the first paragraph, and that was referring to all of the people out of all my Facebook friends who had ever read anything which I had written onto Facebook Notes. I think that 20 was an optimistic count.

For another thing, I mention "my other poems," and tell people to check out some of the other ones that I had written onto the same Notes. Well, I haven't included all of them here, and I will probably keep it that way. There is one specific poem that I mention called "Chemeone, id est Scorchfrost" which you will not be able to find here. That one is largely personal by nature. And besides, the last line of the poem is my full name, something that I don't think any of you few readers out here need to know. Don't worry about it, though; it's not important to know that.

You will see one further note beside the poem that it explains. Other than that, carry on.

So, has anybody out there ever read one of my poems?

Ok, now the 20 of you who raised your hands, you'll have some context for what this is about. For the rest of you, you might want to take a look at a poem I wrote in recent years so you get an idea about my style of writing poetry. Well, maybe check a few, since I've experimented with different things and once you've read a few you can get a general idea. They should be here in the Facebook Notes, somewhere. In fact, I think I'll make a page break here so you can go do that if you really want to.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Facebook Note: A Weather Eye - Poem Version

Written and published to Facebook on November 21st, 2011

Author's Note: This is the main reason that I find it at all important that you read the prose version of this same thing. It's a few posts down here, and it's called "Facebook Note: A Weather Eye."
Update: I thought about it, and realized that other post isn't necessary for you to understand this one. So, I took it down. You should be able to read this poem just fine without it, though.

Imagine a place in the "yonder"
As infinity flaunts its bright guise
First, hark! Behold; a sight fonder
Than treasure will rise to your eyes
Those lanterns of mariners shimmer...
The gems of that crown all aglow
To all in the galaxy they glimmer
They slash through the darkness below

Facebook Note: Dear Zynga

Written and published to Facebook on November 1st, 2011

Author's Note: This was a little bit more relevant at the time that it was written, if you can call it relevant at all; people eventually stopped playing so many of the Zynga games, but it wasn't because they listened to someone like me about the points that I made here. They only left because they got bored. 
That's how it works, isn't it? All the masses care about is that they are being entertained. If that's so, you should probably move along and not read what I have to say; my ultimate objective is never to entertain you. Not that I won't, but there's more to it than that. (It's like I'm saying, "In the end I want you to eat your carrots. That's not to say that I won't give you carrots cooked in sugar and butter, but still... eat your carrots.)

The following is a letter that I have not sent before, but I almost think I should have.

Dear Zynga,

I hope you are happy, now. Are you aware of the great accomplishments that you can now claim? You've succeeded where the great conquerors - from Nimrod to Nebuchadnezzar, from Alexander the Great to Napoleon, From Caesar to Hitler - have all failed. You have fulfilled your mission with more effectiveness than the fabled "I Love You" bug (do any kids born after the 90's remember that?), and without the terror that the alleged Y2K bug (this is really making me feel old; there are children who have never even heard of that) sparked among Internet users everywhere. Pat yourselves on the back, people of Zynga, and hand out congratulations to your designers; you have just overcome the glaring majority of humanity, and come the closest I have ever seen to world conquest. Well, maybe you're tied for first with Wal-Mart. Or TV in general.

Facebook Note: Based on a True Status

Written and published to Facebook on October 5th, 2011

Hi, guys.

As you might have seen, recently I was on Facebook during a time when I intended to be somewhere else (the day was something like September 26th). I wrote a peculiar status as proof.

I didn't skip out on my duty intentionally; it was a long and exhausting night when it happened, and as I write this out I can clearly recall that feeling, that emotion which was more deep-seated than our simple interpretations of happiness, sorrow, irritation, or desire. This one belonged more with livid rage, depression, euphoria, and pleasure in its basest form.

For reasons that I will not elaborate on at this time, that night I was suddenly overcome by something that I didn't recognize. It may in fact have been an attack of anxiety. In the panic-stricken state I found myself immersed in, I found a desperation that I can relate to from earlier times and experiences that ran parallel to this one, and it translated into one thought in my mind: run for it. Unable to cope with that ice that so nearly flirted with absolute zero, I did just that. Not that I thought that physically running would alleviate the shuddering gasps forming in my lungs; one of the problems with emotional upheaval is that I find my physical abilities hindered. Worse than fatigue - even in a point of exhaustion, wherein you "hit the wall" between the time your body stops burning carbohydrates and begins to burn fats - is discouragement. When some sort of non-physical virus attacks me, it drains something much worse than calories. Infinitely worse than being iron or vitamin deficient is being hope deficient.