
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Facebook Note: Choosing True Colours

Written and published to Facebook on July 30th, 2012

Author's Note: At first it might look like there are religious overtones in this poem, as there are in a lot of my poetry and other things that I write. However, I didn't want that to be the only possible interpretation. You could just as easily apply this to Romeo and Juliet, now that I consider it.

An author by the name of John Green once answered the question of debates between religious and non-religious people by saying that the debates which take place about the source of revelation is not very interesting, but that what we choose to do in response to these revelations is indeed a question that should interest us all.

While I still believe that the question of source of revelation is also a question that we ought to consider, even so I agree: what we choose to do in response to the revelations is just as important. So, remember that when you read this.

When the battle-lines are drawn
When we gouge our scars in sand
And the neutral ground's withdrawn
On whose side shall you stand?
Does your blood beat by your heart,
Or in rebellion bleed?

When we rule in extreme
And we hop the sharpened fence
When it needs be "us or them"
Will you hiss and shout offense?
Does your mind your course impart,
Or is it heart you heed?

When we our true colours shine
When we're proudly painted true
When we bear out true design
Will you be red, but claim blue?
So in your fight of mind and heart,
You know not which should lead?

When you're called to smite your ilk
For the standard that you fly
When you must choose blood or milk -
Must friends or kin now die?
I'd grant you fairer journey's chart,
If I thought that you would read

When we draw the battle lines
And shield our hallowed ground
I know my side, but as for thine,
In which array will you be found?

To heed true spirit is an art.
And revelation is what you need.


Picture by Mizth

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