
Friday, May 17, 2013

Poem for Tasha

This is different.

You see, when I wrote and published my first posts on this blog, nobody really read them. (Granted, you could say that we're still close to telling the truth in saying that nobody reads these things.) This was before I would be occasionally found by North Americans and people of other English-speaking countries, and now what seems to be a regular readership in a few European countries and Asian countries that I'm sorry to say I had never heard of before. (Welcome, Brunei! From the little that I've learned of your country since then, I think that you're an awesome people.)

I bring this up because of one of the first posts I wrote on here and took seriously. Well, two posts - "Farewell to a Friend" and "To Tasha, in Memoriam." They were both written in relation to the final days of the life of one of my best friends on the Earth, a certain yellow Labradour retriever named Tasha. When I wrote about her passing, that was in large part for my own good. Some of the remarks I made were intended for others to read and benefit, but to be entirely honest I didn't think that many people would ever stumble across this blog of mine. I figured that my thoughts would be safe in the blanket of obscurity.

That's what makes today a little different. Today marks exactly one year since my friend Tasha left this life. And here you are, listening to me talk about it.