
Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Book of Post Replacement: An Instruction Manual on Fixing Fences, or maybe it's A Story About NaNoWriMo Taking Precedence over This Blog For Now

Hola. ¿Cómo se van? And did you miss me?

Heh. Oh, I am funny at times. Heh heh heh heh heh.


Yes, I've been gone from the blog for a while. I don't think most of you noticed or cared. But in case anyone did want to know why I promised more posts on here, then didn't do anything... well, school does that to me sometimes. I have this tendency to overestimate how much time I'll have for writing in between assignments and studying, and the frustrating amount of time I have to spend on public transit every day.

(<It's not as fun, and doesn't have as catchy of a theme song as it does over here.)

Also, I continue to wonder whether daily/weekly/bi-weekly blogging is a dying art form. Or, rather, an art form that never really caught on in the first place. Only a very few blogs that I know of get a lot of consistent attention, and they have to compete with YouTube channels, Vine (well, not anymore), Facebook, and a heck of a lot of other things for the attention of Internet users.

It leaves me to question whether blogging on a regular basis is really worth it. Seriously speaking here, what percentage of people would you guess are unwilling to read a post as long as this one, because it's longer than one paragraph?

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Life Sign. Hey. Hey, watch out. Hey, listen.

I've been thinking.

I mean, that kind of goes without saying, right? We all do that. Thinking, I mean; we all think, but some of us don't do any "saying."

...Which is probably why I'm talking to nobody, via the message conveyed through my fingers. Heh heh.


I just want to put out a life sign. (Not necessarily a lifeline... though, if you need one, by all means, grab it. Let this... blog post... be a... lifeline? Something like that, eh.)

Monday, February 1, 2016

For Glory

Ah. Here I am again.
Yeah, and that feels ok. I said in my last post that I wouldn't do another one of these until I started believing that my writing does any good. Well... it probably still doesn't. At least, for anyone besides me. Still, sometimes I need to get my thoughts out of my head, even if nobody reads them, and that's all the good they do. But that's something, at least.

So, yay. Here it is, my glorious return to blogging. Or something.

Oh, and speaking of things that are glorious...

Much funnier if you've played Fire Emblem: Awakening.

Yeah, "For Glory." I know the one.


To think... I used to love Super Smash Bros.