
Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Book of Post Replacement: An Instruction Manual on Fixing Fences, or maybe it's A Story About NaNoWriMo Taking Precedence over This Blog For Now

Hola. ¿Cómo se van? And did you miss me?

Heh. Oh, I am funny at times. Heh heh heh heh heh.


Yes, I've been gone from the blog for a while. I don't think most of you noticed or cared. But in case anyone did want to know why I promised more posts on here, then didn't do anything... well, school does that to me sometimes. I have this tendency to overestimate how much time I'll have for writing in between assignments and studying, and the frustrating amount of time I have to spend on public transit every day.

(<It's not as fun, and doesn't have as catchy of a theme song as it does over here.)

Also, I continue to wonder whether daily/weekly/bi-weekly blogging is a dying art form. Or, rather, an art form that never really caught on in the first place. Only a very few blogs that I know of get a lot of consistent attention, and they have to compete with YouTube channels, Vine (well, not anymore), Facebook, and a heck of a lot of other things for the attention of Internet users.

It leaves me to question whether blogging on a regular basis is really worth it. Seriously speaking here, what percentage of people would you guess are unwilling to read a post as long as this one, because it's longer than one paragraph?

I can't give you a scientific answer to that, but I have a guess. The number I'm imagining is pretty high. And I don't like that imaginary number. It's much less friendly than the square root of -1. (Sorry, I guess that's kind of an obscure joke. Never mind that one.)

Who says math has to be serious?

Anyway. For those that care to know, I have written some stuff in these past months and considered sharing it here, but each time stopped myself. If I'm not holding myself to a regular schedule to write things on here, then there's no need to post things solely for the sake of posting them. Instead I can wait for a time when the moment feels right, and write something I actually believe in.

Speaking of that, I have something to show you, finally. I've pondered on whether I wanted to do this, and I feel like yes, I do. It is:

NaNoWriMo. Ever heard of it?

The general idea of it is that you write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. That's the challenge. (If you want to know more, you can go to the site, and they'll tell you more.) I've done this in previous years, and I've decided that I would like to do it again.

And the other thing I've at length decided is... you get to see it too, if you want.

I'm writing it on my computer, and recording a copy of it to a Google Doc. The link is here.

So, there. If anyone out there on the wide, Wide World Web wants to read a free book -- one chapter every few days, because that's how long it's taking me to write -- then there you go. I'll warn you that you shouldn't expect it to be very good at first; this is a first draft, one which I have to write incredibly quickly. (I have to write about 1927 words per day, and this on top of the homework I have to do. That's... kind of a lot.) So, this story, it's going to be a simple one that may not hold your interest. But if you are the kind of person who wants to know what goes into creating a story, and see an example of what one looks like in the early stages, before it becomes better, here's your chance!

Oh yeah, and if it's a concern to you, I think that the things I'm writing are generally the kinds of things that would get it a PG rating (PG-13 at highest) if it were a movie. I'm doing all I can to avoid profanity in it, trying to keep violence toned down, I don't think there's going to be anything sexual in it... so, I'm not intending to put anything disturbing in it. Take a look at it if you want.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed, before either you come up with any more clever ideas to get us killed -- or worse, expelled.


Yep. That's a sure sign that I'm tired. (It's 1:36 AM in this time zone.) OK, I'm going to head to bed, and I shall rest these poor, cramping fingers of me own. Alas and verily forsooth and... something. (Yes, I'm sleepy. Drowsier than Drowzee.)

That face really says it all.

Have a good day, and Dios esté contigo.


P.S. If you happen to come across my real name while clicking on any of these links I've set you up with, please keep it to yourself. It's not like a security issue or anything; it's just that sometimes I have an easier time speaking my mind when it's under a pseudonym. A pen name doesn't usually come attached to all of the prejudices that are naturally attached to real people, you know? So, just keep that in mind. Thanks, eh.

1 comment:

  1. (Not that many people care... ah, I bring sorry news: I gave up on NaNoWriMo only a few days in. It's not that I'm unwilling to write a story and share it; it's just that I have been struggling to stay on top of school work for this whole semester. So, I couldn't afford the time commitment. Well... someday. Someday you may read this story, and it might even be a real book. We shall see.
