
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Facebook Note: A Weather Eye - Poem Version

Written and published to Facebook on November 21st, 2011

Author's Note: This is the main reason that I find it at all important that you read the prose version of this same thing. It's a few posts down here, and it's called "Facebook Note: A Weather Eye."
Update: I thought about it, and realized that other post isn't necessary for you to understand this one. So, I took it down. You should be able to read this poem just fine without it, though.

Imagine a place in the "yonder"
As infinity flaunts its bright guise
First, hark! Behold; a sight fonder
Than treasure will rise to your eyes
Those lanterns of mariners shimmer...
The gems of that crown all aglow
To all in the galaxy they glimmer
They slash through the darkness below

Next envision a sheet made of absence
Upon backward averting your gaze
A storm that drinks up the radiance
And blots out the stars' gentle rays
So filled with the mace of hail and rain
No light fights its course to the ground
In shadow eternal all would remain
Below, to despair all are bound

Where is it that you should look, now?
What scene is it best that you see?
In light of light and the lack seen around
To which side should your eyesight flee?
Perspective is crucial - indeed, a crux;
When you lift your eyes up again
Within you there will be mighty flux
Somewhere 'twixt stardust and rain

Should you choose to see the slathering black
Which tells you that naught lies beneath
You'll lose the faith to even look back
And you are blinded by the storm's teeth

Yet if you choose to watch the lit stars
And pay no more heed to the cloud
Your optimist view will leave you with scars
As the hailstorm finds you earth-bowed

You could see the fringe, where both light and dark
Have equal turns crossing the sky
And gaze on the heavens, a skyscape so stark
And twilight rise up for your eyes

The grateful soul prepares for the storm
Said person then casts from their mind
The clouds of dark that dampen all form
And looks up to a sky that is kind.


Let me see if I can even do this... Facebook doesn't seem to like me anymore. Ok, whew! Well, if anyone was curious, this was a poetic version of that other note I once did, called "A Weather Eye." If you want to read that one, go on ahead; it's still there, not being used. I wrote this out as a status update, one day, because I figured people could use the thought. Well... I sometimes wonder how much of an extent that annoying little sentiment has. I mean, who reads this stuff? It gets lost in the incessant streams of posts that come up with people updating their statuses every 15 minutes, posting 9 000 pictures of the same thing, and all of that... anyways, if you have somehow stumbled across some of my writings, I hope it helps you to have a better day. At most, I would hope that you consider what your perspective really is, and consider changing it if you feel it should be different.

Since I've been accused of being too militant today, already, then I'll send you all some love, hugs, happiness, and... well, I can't send you flowers; it's snowing in Canada. Still, you get the idea. G'day out there, eh?


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