
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Facebook Note: High Level Bridge on Canada Day

Written on July 1st, 2008; published to Facebook on July 8th, 2008

Author's Note: There's a poem down there at the bottom of this Note. That's probably the part you're looking for. I just thought I'd let you know.

Ah, beauty, eh? July 1st, it's always a great day, if you're from Canada! Even more so if you are in the country at the time... well, as has always been the case with me, I was! And it was really awesome. I mean, I could tag... I forget how many of you, because you were all there. Yeah, thanks to Spencer and Brenda specifically, for giving the world another chance to re-live how insane, arbitrary, and stupid I can be. I hope that video doesn't surface at the wrong time...

But that wasn't the only thing I was doing! No, I was having a really good day on July 1st, 2008. Even if I did get lost, and have to risk my car being towed, and try to make my bike do something that any human contortionist - or even a pretzel, for that matter - would be proud of. And even if I did fall off of a wall a few times... and that sort of thing.

Well, every once in a while, in an inexcusably inexplicable (gosh, that phrase looks familiar...) stint, I feel the need to write some poetry. (Ok, just because I can, I'm going to tag [friend 1] and [friend 2] in this note; they could use some people to read their Note poems, too. So take that, guys! I'm doing your publicity for you!)

Well, I mentioned this in passing as I went from our "home base" in front of the Legislature building, to our "outpost" on a wall, almost directly ahead of the man-made waterfall that springs from the High Level Bridge on special days like this country's commemorative day. So, [friend 3], you may not remember it, but you asked me to show this to you when I was finished. Ok, I'm doing it, eh?

These were just my thoughts, as I heard them, while the sun was going down and people prepped their cameras for our fireworks display... wow, you know you're cool when this is what you do in your spare time. It went somewhat like this, though there were more scribbles, initially.

I'm here again, within compulsion
As starkly muggy
As condensed fire vapour
All around, lightning bulbs
Flash magnesium punctuation
To the faded sky

Clouded is the lid of earth,
Yet see ye this...
This cascade, rainbow ingredient
Harks not from heavens
An aquatic brigade
Thrust upward, to difficulty!

Heavens above, and earth beneath
But the earthen's trumped,
By flowing crystal
A mobile puddle,
Nothing, really
Takes angelic hands
Learns to fly...
It rushes, strikes.
Even all man's armies
Match not in splendour
Or collaboration.
O misty stream
Which stands erect
Obeying this orb, our Earth,
Accepting law, our Lord's...

It hovers.
Slivers, silver!
Each drop dances
A crucial bit
Of combination, permutated
Waterfall, do just that.
Fall, water.
It makes a pretty picture.
The bridged frame?

The gap, the river?
Churns, Alive!
Of the surviving,
A wet phoenix
Symbols life
Thus our sovereign
Arose this day
As its denizens
Stand true. Strong.
Our north bids it;
We stand on guard,
For thee.
Beauty, eh?

...Yep. If you ever wonder what [TAB III] is thinking about when he sits in a corner by himself, or wordlessly decides to try scaling a cliff, or something like that... there's a chance that he's thinking something that sounds like a snippet of this. Hence, he doesn't speak that often. And yet, here's one...

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