
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Facebook Note: [untitled poem]

Written in 2007, published to Facebook on March 26th, 2008

What manner of fiendish man
Believes it solely the weak who can
Shed precious teardrops -
Pearls from the heart?
Blind and gormless, now I say
Are those who hold their hurts at bay
And mock the souls
Whose anguish freely impart
Take this knowledge from one who knows
Whom is attacked by friends with foes
It needs strength to cry;
'Tis easier to bleed.
Violence is not strength; 'tis weak
Such holds conversely to the meek
Possessing virtue
A heart doth outlet need.
Yet I hope you know just evil floods
Or deepest wounds do not draw blood
They rather shed tears;
No mortal wound this be
Flesh be weak, and blood is chill
But valiant souls they cannot kill
Yet pain they feel
And most exceedingly
Rememberest thou the Man who gave
Our triumph over sin and grave
For though the greatest,
Our Brother too could weep
Some in sorrow, oft in love,
And some in thanks to God above
In His great flock
He cares for every sheep.
So I make the Lord my arm
I'll brave the blows, endure the harm
And if he asks it,
In turn for him I'll die
But now's the day I spread His light
And persevere to fight good fights
And as long as I can hurt
Or love, I'll cry.


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